Create your best you minus the time drain
The game-changing strategy for unlocking your dream physique
Faster Progression
Flexible Schedule
Shorter Workouts
Less Burnout
I started The Performance Blueprint to build muscle and my self-confidence - in a few months i’ve seen big visual changes, been consistently progressing and I enjoy my workouts. 1 set per exercise keeps them efficient and there hasn’t been a session where I couldn’t improve from the previous workout.
Key Features of our Strategy
Keeping Intensity Sky High
Giving training sessions your all is often the greatest determinant of an exceptional physique
A More Than Last Time Mentality
Time to beat the log book; getting stronger and building muscle are synonymous
High Frequency Approach
Keeping the mechanisms that grow muscle consistently at work, leaving no room for atrophy in-between workouts
Elite Physiques in 3 steps
Set your 4-6RM for all
allocated exercises
Undergo a structured training
plan for 8-12 weeks
Assess your physique and
recycle the plan!
Peak Performance provides programs that are built to last.
Are low rep ranges viable for hypertrophy? The last 5 repetitions of a set are the most stimulating; why not begin the set there!
Are such heavy loads safe? Provided good form is in place, heavy weight is more beneficial for muscle growth than lighter weight.
Can progress really be made from just 1 set per exercise? After set 1, 5 more sets are needed to receive similar stimulus; 1 set is enough.
Can a muscle really be trained every 48 hours? Due to a lower volume approach, every workout is more than recoverable.